Card Access Facility

Welcome To

Manheim Sportsmen's Association

We promote safe hunting, sportsmanship, and the propagation of game and fish. The club also assists in the conservation of forest and stream, making game and fish laws, and fostering and perpetuating good will between the general public, fellow sportsmen, landowners, and game and fish authorities.

What's New

Upcoming Events & Notices


Since Easter falls on the third Sunday in April, the Orientation Meeting will be held on April 13 at 2:00 p.m. 




New Member Orientation will happen on the third Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. New Members are no longer required to attend two monthly meetings, although we hope you will occasionally join us for a meeting on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.

We prefer you mail your completed application to the PO Box listed at the top of the application so that our Membership Secretary has time to prepare your cards and information by Orientation.

If you have any questions, feel free to call Joyce at 717-468-1334.

Winners of the Cash Raffle Drawing – 2/13/25
1st – Darryl Spitler
2nd – Jason Sauder
3rd – Carlos Mejia
4th – Jeff Knosp
5th – Jesse Kopp
6th – Steve Dupler

January 11th

10 am – 2 pm

Cost – $125.00

The Defensive Handgun 1 Course is designed as an intermediate-level class to build on skills
from a Basic Shooting Course. This course will help students understand their body’s natural
reaction to stress. This course is not, however, a concealed carry course. This course includes a
United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) mini-lesson on Gear and Gadgets. This
module teaches about holsters and other daily carry items. Students can also speak with a
USCCA Account Representative during the class. The range portion will focus mainly on
defensive shooting instead of marksmanship-style shooting.

Email: [email protected]


The Introduction to Handguns Course teaches the basics of pistol shooting, covering firearm safety, handgun parts, shooting fundamentals, and range practice. Ideal for new shooters, this 4-hour class combines classroom instruction, hands-on range time, and a Q&A session to build confidence and essential skills in firearm handling.


Next Start Date: 12/15/2024

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Visit the Center Mass Training LLC website at for more information.

USCCA Personal and Home Defense Preparation
     This class will cover situational awareness, a defensive mindset, how to avoid becoming a victim, and Home Defense Fundamentals. 
    We will also have an Account Executive from the USCCA (Sean Walborn) available for questions about membership.

 Email: [email protected] to sign up for the training class.
Visit the Center Mass Training LLC website at for more information.

Manheim Sportsmen Association

ATA Big 50 Shoots

Available Saturdays in:
April, May, September, and October
Sign ups 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

50 Singles and/or 50 Handicap

1st Event $12 includes ATA fees
2nd Event $10

Practice $5 /round

Event is open to the public and all are welcome!

Manheim Sportsmen Association

552 Oak Tree Road

Manheim, Pa 17545

Questions Call/Text or email:
Matt at 215-208-3731

[email protected]

Management reserves the right to alter or change the program.

The entrance and exit to the Manheim Sportsmen’s Club is a 20-foot-wide lane. This 20 -foot lane is wide enough for two vehicles to pass each other. Out of respect to our neighbors, please do not drop off the lane and create ruts in our neighbors’ property.

Manheim Sportsman’s Association will start issuing guest passes again. The new guest passes will be filled out and issued for one specific guest for a specific date. The passes will be filled out when issued and must be signed and returned to the issuing club officer after being used. The charge for a guest pass is now $10.00. Contact Steve McFarland (717) 917-3174 for passes and more information

Senior Coffee Hour will be held on the second Monday of the month at 8:00 a.m. Contact Charlie Nauman (717) 951-6103 for more information.

Spotted Lanternflies are becoming a big problem in our area. Click on this link for information on how to make the new circle traps for spotted lanternflies. Click on this link if you are interested in purchasing spotted lanternfly traps for your property.


Join Us!

Have Questions?

Reach Out!

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Our New Website Is Here!

It’s a bit different from the old website, so take some time and look it over so that you will know where to look for the information you need when you need it.

The changes with the website aims to move our website from a licensed Dreamweaver program to an open-source program such as Word Press. This move will be financially efficient by eliminating licenses and other operating fees. Word Press, an open-source program, is free. It will also provide the Webmaster an up-to-date and uninterrupted maintenance of the website.

I hope you enjoy the new site!

Curt Diffenderfer, President Manheim Sportsman’s Assoc