Card Access Facility


Become A Member

New Member Orientation will happen on the third Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. New Members are no longer required to attend two monthly meetings, although we hope you will occasionally join us for a meeting on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.

We prefer you mail your completed application to the PO Box listed at the top of the application so that our Membership Secretary has time to prepare your cards and information by Orientation.

Click here to open and download the Application Form.

Click here to open and download the Liability Waiver.

Membership Opportunities

  • Outdoor rifle range maintenance
  • Outdoor pistol range maintenance
  • 3D archery range maintenance
  • Building maintenance
  • Grounds maintenance
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Our New Website Is Here!

It’s a bit different from the old website, so take some time and look it over so that you will know where to look for the information you need when you need it.

The changes with the website aims to move our website from a licensed Dreamweaver program to an open-source program such as Word Press. This move will be financially efficient by eliminating licenses and other operating fees. Word Press, an open-source program, is free. It will also provide the Webmaster an up-to-date and uninterrupted maintenance of the website.

I hope you enjoy the new site!

Curt Diffenderfer, President Manheim Sportsman’s Assoc